Fortnite Easter Egg – Can You Ride a Shark?




In Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3, players have a chance to ride sharks around the aquatic map. It’s a unique way to get around and a great Easter Egg to find.

To ride a shark, players need to locate a fishing rod that is nearby and throw it in the water. The shark will eventually bite the line and take off, allowing players to control it as a jet ski.

Whale Sharks

Whale sharks are the world’s largest fish – growing up to 12 metres long – and are often referred to as “gentle giants.” They are filter feeders, which means they process 6,000 litres of water an hour by sucking in tiny microorganisms and small plankton through their gill rakers. They are incredibly docile creatures and often allow swimmers to hitch a ride with them.

However, there has been some controversy recently over the practice of interacting with whale sharks. Scientists and conservationists have a lot of concerns, largely around the potential for injury to people who interact with these animals.

This latest viral video, which features a Saudi man named Zaki Al-sabahy riding a whale shark by clinging to its dorsal fin, has raised some eyebrows. While many people are praising the stunt, others have criticised it as dangerous and reckless.


Manatees are large, slow-moving animals that frequent coastal waters and rivers. They’re at-risk because of hunting, habitat loss and boat collisions.

In Florida, about 87 manatees are killed each year by humans, mostly in boat strikes. They’re also vulnerable to fishing nets and a lack of habitat from waterfront development.

Despite these threats, swimming with manatees is a thrilling experience. They’re very friendly and will come to you.

To make sure you get the most out of your time with these creatures, practice passive observation: Look but don’t touch them, especially when they are resting.

Observing and listening are important skills for snorkelers, divers and swimmers. They can help you avoid disturbing and interrupting the resting and feeding patterns of these gentle giants.


A dolphin is a warm-blooded mammal that breathes air through their lungs, not their gills like fish. They give birth to live young, nurse their offspring on milk from mammary glands and have a blowhole on top of their head which acts as a nose for them to surface for air.

They are part of the mammals called cetaceans which also includes whales and porpoises. They are adapted to life in the ocean, swimming and diving in large groups (pods) for extended periods of time and staying underwater for hours on end.

Unfortunately, dolphins are being captured from their natural environment and exploited in aquaria and marine parks. HSUS opposes the capture of all marine mammals for any type of public display or entertainment.

In captivity, dolphins are forced to interact with people who they might not otherwise be able to choose. As a result, the risk of severe tank aggression is high. Aggression may be seen in the form of jaw-popping, ramming into other dolphins with their rostrums or biting.

Sea Turtles

Those who have ever snorkeled or dived in the ocean know how much they love these charismatic marine animals. Swimming with sea turtles is often on travel bucket lists and has even been featured in movies.

Sea turtles are a family of large, air-breathing reptiles that inhabit tropical and subtropical waters around the world. They have an upper shell, or carapace, with horny scales on the inside, called scutes, that can range in length, color and shape.

The largest of the seven species is the leatherback, which can weigh a whopping 2,000 pounds. Other species include loggerheads, Kemp’s ridleys, greens and olive ridleys.

These creatures migrate incredibly long distances to and from feeding and nesting grounds. The leatherback, for example, makes a journey that’s an average of 3,700 miles each way.

Scientists have long been interested in where baby turtles spawn, but until recently, little was known about their migrations in their early days. Now, a study published in Nature suggests that if scientists map their routes, they might be able to keep fishing boats away from important breeding areas.