Can You Ride a Stallion?




Olympian Lisa Wilcox attributes stallions with an extra spark and playful intelligence, which she considers “must-haves in dressage.”

Working with stallions requires patience, perseverance and discipline – without which it could become overwhelming!

They are impulsive

Stallion riding can be an exhilarating and thrilling horse, but it also unpredictable. Maintaining control over this animal requires considerable time and devotion as well as constant effort to remain stable.

Stallions in the wild form herds or bands led by an alpha stallion (harem stallion). These social animals possess unique capabilities that breeders cannot duplicate.

Domestic stallion management often relies on fear and pain-induced behaviors rather than providing a healthy, socially stimulating environment for their stallions. According to veterinarian and equestrian author Aurich’s report, stallions that have access to pasture are much less likely to display aggression than those kept indoors in small spaces.

Unmanaged stallions can pose risks to you, your family and any horses on site. To mitigate this risk, invest time, money and expertise into developing an effective training and healthcare program for your stallion.

They are aggressive

Stallions can be aggressive and potentially dangerous. They may frighten or intimidate people or other horses, and if they feel that their respect is being disrespected, they may attack you in self-defence.

Wild stallions often lead herds of mares and young foals. These groups are usually led by one dominant stallion who collects these prey for his harem and defends them against rival stallions or other predators.

Likewise, a herd can break apart when a stallion mats with another female horse or member. This could result in inbreeding issues and cause birth defects due to genetic mutation.

If a stallion is misbehaving, it’s essential to assess their wellbeing and rule out pain as the cause. If this is the case, treatment with an artificial vagina to desensitize them and anti-anxiety drugs may help.

They are hard to train

Stallions tend to be harder to train than mares and geldings due to their temperament and dominant nature.

They require expert handling by knowledgeable individuals. Over-the-top or harsh discipline is unnecessary and could do irreparable harm to the horse.

Stallions without a clear goal to strive towards can find it challenging to focus their energy. They may become distracted and try different behaviors in an effort to give themselves something constructive to do.

Stallions that have a clear goal can be highly motivated and engaged with their handler. They tend to excel in riding cultures that value achievement as well as discipline.

However, a stallion that lacks direction and is not taught to respect their owner’s expectations can become aggressive and unpredictable. This could include them snorting, fighting or walking on eggshells which could injure both themselves and other horses.

They are expensive

When considering getting a stallion, it is essential to take into account your lifestyle and needs. Stallions can be expensive to purchase and often need extensive upkeep and attention.

They may become dangerous if they exhibit misbehaving behaviors, such as aggressiveness or stereotypies.

When dealing with stallions, it’s essential to demonstrate dominance over them. Doing this will teach them appropriate behavior.

Stallions may vary, but many seem to perform better when given clear goals and expectations. They enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes from focused effort and hard work, helping them feel as though they have accomplished something worthwhile.

If a stallion is misbehaving, it’s essential to correct them promptly. Doing so will guarantee the horse doesn’t become unpredictable and difficult to manage.