Can You Ride a Roller Coaster With a Pacemaker?




Roller coasters are rides that propel passengers along a railroad track with steep inclines, sharp curves and abrupt changes in speed or direction.

Roller coaster design is determined by three primary elements: lift hill, train/car type and track layout.

The first part is the lift hill, which can be designed to launch the train at high enough speeds to achieve an inversion. Secondly, train/car types can be modified so they go upside down or with corkscrews.

How They Work

When your doctor detects that your heart has an unusually slow rate, they may suggest implanting a pacemaker–a small device that sends electrical impulses to one or more chambers of the heart. Pacemakers run on batteries and can last up to 10 years.

Pacemakers offer a solution for patients suffering from conditions ranging from high blood pressure to previous heart attacks. They consist of an array of sensors, including magnetic ones, that when activated send an uninterrupted stream of electricity directly into your heart.

The great news is that pacemakers are much less invasive and complex to use than artificial hearts. Most can be implanted during a quick surgery without the need for hospitalization, with most being removed within minutes. Nonetheless, it’s essential to understand how they function so you can help your doctor find the ideal device for you or your child.

Safety Measures

If you have a pacemaker, it is essential to follow some safety precautions when riding roller coasters. These include staying seated and waiting until the ride has come to an end before exiting.

Before riding a roller coaster, make sure you meet the minimum height, age and weight requirements as well as that the ride is in excellent condition. Also, avoid sneaking onto a ride if it doesn’t operate properly or if its operator appears intoxicated or otherwise unfocused.

Recent research indicates that people with heart disease may be at increased risk for abnormal heart rhythms after taking a roller coaster ride. In the study, participants’ average maximum heart rates rose from 91 beats per minute at rest to 153 bpm after just over one minute on the ride.


Roller coasters are amusement park rides featuring cars moving along tracks. To keep them moving, roller coasters utilize the energy cars build up as they climb a first hill (known as a lift hill) or receive an intense launch.

Computer software helps roller coaster designers plan the placement of hills and drops so their cars have enough kinetic energy to propel themselves throughout the entire ride. They take into account factors like the height of the first incline as well as other variables that affect its capacity for propulsion throughout its journey and back at its starting point.

Researchers have warned people with heart conditions that riding roller coasters may cause abnormal heart rhythms. Therefore, they suggest parks install portable defibrillators as a safety measure in case of emergencies. This recommendation was made at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2005 conference.

Stroke symptoms, such as slurred speech, balance issues and confusion, can manifest after an adrenaline-filled ride but may take hours or days to appear. Geting help as soon as you notice them is key; call 911 immediately if someone in your family or circle of friends has suffered a stroke.

Getting Started

At the design phase of a roller coaster ride, designers first determine what kind of ride they want to create. This is usually determined by who will be using it.

Next, they determine what features will add to the thrill of the ride. They may increase the initial incline or slow down the lift chain’s speed in order to increase passengers’ anxiety level.

Once they’ve decided on the details, they test out their designs with a computer. These simulations help ensure they create the ideal roller coaster for their intended audience.

Once the support structure and track have been constructed, construction of the roller coaster itself can begin. This includes any other parts that ensure its safe functioning.